The Issues
Children & Youth
We need the highest quality public education possible for our kids. COVID-19 had a devastating impact on so many and the impacts are still being felt today in 2024. We have a crisis of absenteeism and need to work together to get kids back to school. Our graduation rates aren’t where they need to be and we are staying focused on ensuring that our 9th graders are on track to graduate. I will continue to advocate that students have what they need to succeed - this includes basic safety, counseling, nutrition and a community that is fully behind every child. We will need to pay special attention to our kids in this moment and invest fully in the promise of public schools to provide them with the tools they need to thrive. For my fourth year on school board I am going to focus on health (mental and physical), cell phone use, gun violence prevention, and improving our scores around 3rd grade reading, 9th grade on-track to graduate, high school graduation rates and social/emotional sense of belonging.
Equity means that we meet the different needs of different groups, so that all students have a fair chance. Not all students in the Salem-Keizer School district are treated equitably. For years now, we have heard countless numbers of students, parents and community members speak publicly about an environment that was and continues to be hostile and pushed them out. I know our District can change this. I will continue to fight against racism within our school system. I pushed hard for reforms in the way we work through discipline in my first two years. I will listen to all students - our communities of color, our LGBTQIA2S+ youth, our Tribal youth, as well as people with disabilities - and make the changes necessary so that we collectively may begin the healing process for the community and our children. Our district is wildly underfunded and we need to advocate for equity in the state school fund - to truly meet the needs of the children of Salem-Keizer.
Public school educators helped to shape my future and I am forever indebted to them. They protected me from bullying, helped me with my test-taking anxiety, and showed me why putting in the hard work as a young person would pay off later. COVID-19 and the after effects has pushed our educators to the limit, but they’ve been creative, adaptive and have pushed forward to ensure education could continue in the worst of circumstances. This year has been a devastating year for our staff - with layoffs and transfers. We narrowly avoided a Teacher strike, and in the end, historic raises were agreed to for our most valuable assets. The highlight of being on the school board is meeting with our educators and seeing what they do each and every day for our children. I will always support our educators and their right to have the tools they need to succeed.